Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Fast Company, Disruptive Technologies and Healthcare

Today was a confusing day...but one that showed me the complexity of merging healthcare and technology.

I received an article published in Fast Company in the morning. It shows some success stories of how social media is changing medical practice.

I also read about disruptive technologies in the Harvard Business Review. Is social media the answer to providing 'good enough' service to health seekers? Will it take over from the medical establishment? Are we changing enough in our medical practice to keep up?

It all makes me realize what the basis of medical practice is. It's really the people that we treat and the lives that we improve. That's whether it's performing a knee replacement or preventing the spread of Hep A or counseling an expecting mother on nutrition in pregnancy.

If we don't keep up with the needs of people what are we left with?

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