Sunday, April 26, 2009

Success on Orthopedic Electives Post: Two Medical Students Found Us

Keyword Optimization Works. It looks like two searchers found the post that I put up about Orthopedic Electives in Winnipeg. I also have a couple of people signed up on the Facebook group ( Manitoba Orthopedic Elective Information) that I started.

Now it's time to get more serious. I have a short description that will soon appear on the Pan Am Clinic Website. I'm hoping that site will see more traffic than my humble little blog. But, I'm going to preview it here. If you read it and think that I left out some important information then let me know in a comment and you will see your thoughts echoed in the final version.

Looking forward to getting the chance to show more outsiders what a good thing we have going here at University of Manitoba Orthopedic Surgery!

University of Manitoba – Orthopedic Surgery Electives

Manitoba Orthopedics is the perfect program for medical student electives. We offer a complete spectrum of subspecialty experiences to medical students interested in Orthopedic Surgery.

Our program features clinical and research activities based out of: The Pan Am Centre, Concordia Hospital/Hip and Knee Institute, Health Sciences Centre and Children’s Hospital. All sites accept rotating medical students for clinical and research rotations. Students work within the clinical team in order to feel what it is like to be a trainee in our program. Rotations can be tailored to student interests or can provide an overview of the program by scheduling time at each site.

Previous elective students have commented that electives in Winnipeg allowed hands-on experiences and close interactions with residents and staff. These students also liked being integrated in the Orthopedic Team and the responsibility and support that they were given. They have comment on the amount of teaching given by staff and residents in clinics and the operating room.

Here are some details about the various rotations you could experience:

  • Orthopedic Trauma
Level 1 Trauma Center for the Province of Manitoba
ATLS experience in the Emergency Department
Trauma ORs 5 days a week with complex fracture management
Clinics with referral patients from a catchment of 1.2 million people

  • Pediatric Orthopedics
Clinics with wide range of pathology and excellent staff teaching
Clubfoot and DDH clinic with casting and operative release experience.
High volume emergency department with trauma experience

  • Orthopedic Spine and Oncology
Weekly ORs with complex reconstructions.
Emergency consults with wide range of trauma, tumor and degenerative pathologies
Two staff and fellow dedicated to education

  • Orthopedic Sports Medicine
High-volume outpatient surgical practice
Cutting edge arthroscopic techniques
Coverage of two professional sports teams and Royal Winnipeg Ballet

  • Upper Extremity
Open and arthroscopic surgical practice
Shoulder and elbow replacements performed regularly
Only referral center for the province so wide exposure to varying pathology

  • Hip and Knee Reconstruction
New Concordia Hip and Knee Institute with
Large hip and knee revision practice
Innovative system for increasing volumes of surgeries and tracking outcomes

  • Orthopedic Research
Program-wide database will be in place in the coming year
Multiple clinical research projects ongoing with potential for student involvement
Accessible staff willing to provide mentorship on research

For more information about our program or to find out how to book an elective call or E-mail Donna Shepard (204) 787-1219 or

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